Lux Aeterna

BĆ©atrice Dalle and Charlotte Gainsbourg

Gaspar NoĆ©ā€™s Lux Aeterna (or Lvx Ɔterna in its original Latin-script form) is a short film about the shit women have to put up. Like the old ironic joke about the light at the end of a tunnel probably being an oncoming train, NoĆ©ā€™s ā€œeternal lightā€ (the translation of lux aeterna) is probably being emitted from the fire built to burn problematical women as witches. The first image is from Carl Theodor Dreyerā€™s Day of Wrath (made in 1943, but with looks from 1443) and is a remarkable shot of a woman being placed on top of a ladder, from where sheā€™s dropped down at speed into a massive fire. The actress, NoĆ©ā€™s … Read more