The Best Films of 2014

Scarlett Johansson in Under the Skin

Of the 350+ films I saw this year, these are the best ones. Some of them were released last year and Iā€™ve been a bit slow getting round to them. Some of them were released even longer ago. The criteria are ā€“Ā I watched them in 2014 and I liked them. Thatā€™s it. The Best Computer Chess (2013, dir: Andrew Bujalski) Andrew Bujalski, inventor of mumblecore, proved thereā€™s life in the old beast yet with this retro-veritĆ© drama about geeks meeting in the 1980s to pit their programs against a chess-playing computer. Shooting on original video cameras in fuzzy-edged boxellated black and white, Bujalski catches the moment when the let-it-all-hang-out era died and our … Read more

24 March 2014-03-24

Marine Vacth in Jeune et Jolie

Out in the UK this week Jeune et Jolie (Lionsgate, cert 18, Blu-ray/DVD) Being hot is like a weapon. Thatā€™s what director/writer FranƧois Ozonā€™s drama about a French schoolgirlā€™s double life as a hooker seems to be saying. Ozon casts beautiful Marine Vacth as Isabelle, his teenage temptress, in a story that sees Isabelle offering her young bedflesh for cash to older gents, some of whom are nice, while others are only too keen to abuse their power. Meanwhile, at home, the girlā€™s beauty goes unremarked upon, until exactly what sheā€™s been doing with it becomes apparent to mum, stepdad and their various friends, who react as if someone shouted ā€œfireā€. Ozon pits … Read more