Wild Hogs

Martin Lawrence, John Travolta, Tim Allen and William H Macy

Four suburban guys, all losers in different ways, go on a cross country trip on their Hogs ā€“ thatā€™s Harley Davidsons to the uninitiated. The guys are John Travolta, Tim Allen, Martin Lawrence and William H. Macy. En route to wherever they get mistaken for gays, find themselves on the wrong side of a group of real, hairy assed bikers (led by Ray Liotta) and one of them even finds love with a waitress (Marisa Tomei in a cheerleader-ish succession of ā€œIā€™m hotā€ poses). Tim Allen and Martin Lawrence as buddies? Yes, itā€™s a stretch, but no more than imagining William H Macy and John Travolta cracking open a couple of beers after … Read more

Galaxy Quest

Alan Rickman in Galaxy Quest

Turn on TV most nights and thereā€™s some Star Trek spin-off boldly heading off somewhere. In it are actors youā€™ve never seen before and will possibly never see in anything else again. As coloured latex hangs off various bits of various faces they strike heroic poses and over-earnestly deliver lines from rehashes of scenarios that were tired in the Sixties. Galaxy Quest knows those shows and those actors. It follows a past-it sci-fi cast as they do the convention circuit, signing books for the geeks they despise, bickering among themselves, boring anyone whoā€™ll listen with stories of antique Shakespearean glory. Then, gasp, a bunch of real aliens turn up, expecting not crummy autographs, … Read more