The Best Films of 2015

Caren Pistorius in Slow West

Thereā€™s a tendency among people who watch a lot of films to boost ones that stand out rather than ones that are good. This can lead to some perverse choices in the ā€œbest ofā€ lists that proliferate at this time of year. So that probably explains the rogue nature of the list below ā€“ ha ha. If youā€™re expecting to find Spectre (not at all bad) or the latest Marvel movie or Jurassic World, look elsewhere. These are just the films, of the maybe 350 films or so that Iā€™ve watched in the past 12 months, that jumped out and grabbed me. Some of them are 2014 releases. Ten Best Paddington (dir: Paul … Read more

20 July 2015-07-20

Anne Dorval and Antoine-Olivier Pilon in Mommy

Out This Week Mommy (Metrodome, cert 15) In bad drama people say just what they think; in real life they rarely do. Xavier Dolan, usually referred to as a wunderkind, understands this, and in this grungy new drama he pushes that realisation to the max with a story about Steve, a disruptive ADHD kid and his flaky mother. Itā€™s an urgently brilliant film, that never dips into the well of mawkishness reserved for ā€œsocial issueā€ films. And thatā€™s even with an extra ā€œissueā€ added ā€“ the next door neighbour, a former teacher whose nerves are shot to shit, who becomes the friend of this dysfunctional duo. The performances are gritty, the dialogue shocking (ā€œIā€™m … Read more