God’s Own Country

Josh O'Connor and Alec Secareanu

It was reading about his highly anticipated 2020 film Ammonite that jolted me into the realisation that Iā€™d never got around to seeing Godā€™s Own Country, former actor Francis Leeā€™s 2017 debut as writer/director. It was on the must-watch list and then another load of must-watches came along and it got lost. Thanks to the imminence of Ammonite, amends have now been made. ā€œGodā€™s own countyā€ (not “country”) is what proud Yorshirefolk call Englandā€™s biggest (and once richest) administrative region, a sentiment not shared by the protagonist of this tale of big emotions played out on small canvases. Johnny (Josh Oā€™Connor) hates Yorkshire, he hates the family farm he works on with his … Read more