Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

Indiana Jones and god-daughter Helena

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny is 20 minutes of brilliantly choreographed, jeopardy-filled action featuring a de-aged Harrison Ford as everyoneā€™s favourite whip-wielding archaeologist followed by a further two hours-plus of an 80something Harrison Ford doing the same, slightly slower, with a bit more regard for tardy reflexes and a more shatter-prone skeleton. Old or young, he’s great if sometimes a bit slow, which you could say about the film too. Itā€™s mostly a case of back to basics, with the ā€œbasicsā€ being, of course, the Nazis, who have set their sights on the Antikthera, the dial of Archimedes, an ancient Greek artefact long thought lost, which is powerful enough to unlock … Read more

Walk the Line

Joaquin Phoenix as Johnny Cash in Walk the Line

A movie for every day of the year ā€“ a good one 12 September Johnny Cash dies, 2003 On this day in 2003, Johnny Cash died, aged 71. A star from the mid-50s, after discharge from the army, until his death, the baritone Cash was known as a country singer though unlike many a country act he was a Christian who aligned himself with the sinners rather than the saints. Dressing in black rather than the more ostenatious garb favoured by country compadres, he was also unusual for the way he publically acknowledged the breadth of his taste ā€“ he made an album with Bob Dylan in the 1960s, his two-season TV show … Read more

Girl, Interrupted

Winona Ryder and Angelina Jolie in Girl, Interrupted

Girl, Interrupted tells the real-life story of Susanna Kaysen, who wrote the original memoir about her enforced stay at a mental hospital in the 1960s. She was banged up after a pills overdose for what was termed a ā€œborderline personality disorderā€ but the suspicion remains that she was being incarcerated at least partly because she was young, rebellious and pissing off her parents. Director James Mangoldā€™s film version turns the whole experience slightly into One Flew Over The Cuckooā€™s Nest redone as a 1960s Mean Girls drama. Instead of shock therapy thereā€™s the withdrawal of TV privileges, straitjackets have largely been replaced by attentive, pleasant carers. And as for debilitating doses of recreational … Read more