Gunga Din

Cary Grant, Victor McLaglen and Douglas Fairbanks Jr laughing

Thereā€™s a lot going on in Gunga Din, the high point of a certain kind of Hollywood film-making. Released in the golden eraā€™s ā€œannus mirabilisā€ of 1939, itā€™s an exotic, oriental white-manā€™s-burden kind of adventure adapted from a Rudyard Kipling story, but locked away in there something is grumbling away. All is not as it first appears. There are two main storylines, connected together by a familiar trio of bromantic soldiers ā€“ the lover (Douglas Fairbanks Jr), the joker (Cary Grant) and the fighter (Victor McLaglen) ā€“ three sergeants in Queen Victoriaā€™s army in India sent out from their base to find out why the vital telegraph system keeps going down. It turns … Read more


Marlene Dietrich as Marie

Fritz Lang more or less invented the spy thriller with Spies (Spione in German) in 1928, but it didnā€™t take long before everyone wanted to be a secret agent. Hereā€™s Marlene Dietrich’s tilt, in only her second US movie, playing a streetwalker recruited by the head of the Austrian Secret Service himself, set a little test, which she passes with full marks for pluck and patriotism, and is then put instantly to work rooting out a mole (as no one called them in those days) in the service. Dishonoredā€™s plot is Le CarrĆ©-esque, or it would be if the doughty Marie hadnā€™t soon cracked the case and exposed the mole, using only her … Read more